Discover If Your Partner Is Using Dating Apps with the Help of AI?
Discover If Your Partner Is Using Dating Apps with the Help of AI?
Discover If Your Partner Is Using Dating Apps with the Help of AI?
Is your partner still active on dating apps? Find out discreetly and securely with Oopsbusted's cutting-edge Ai Tools
Is your partner still active on dating apps? Find out discreetly and securely with Oopsbusted's cutting-edge Ai Tools
Is your partner still active on dating apps? Find out discreetly and securely with Oopsbusted's cutting-edge Ai Tools
Trusted by 10,000+ users worldwide
Trusted by 10,000+ users worldwide
Trusted by 10,000+ users worldwide
Facts don't lie
With the rise of online dating, it's harder to know if someone is still active on platforms like Tinder or Bumble. Our tool helps you find out.
of people in committed relationships use dating apps secretly.
of people in committed relationships use dating apps secretly.
of people in committed relationships use dating apps secretly.
of married individuals who admitted to cheating did so through online dating platform.
of married individuals who admitted to cheating did so through online dating platform.
of married individuals who admitted to cheating did so through online dating platform.
1 in 3
1 in 3
1 in 3
people on Tinder reported being in a committed relationship at the time of use.
people on Tinder reported being in a committed relationship at the time of use.
people on Tinder reported being in a committed relationship at the time of use.
Featured in
Featured in
Featured in
1,000+ Reviews
10,000+ Active Users
10,000+ Active Users
10,000+ Active Users
“The best cheating-busting tool out there—harnessing AI to its fullest potential”
“The best cheating-busting tool out there—harnessing AI to its fullest potential”
“The best cheating-busting tool out there—harnessing AI to its fullest potential”
"I’d had my suspicions for a while and decided to use OopsBusted to see if my partner was really using dating apps. I finally got the proof I needed."
Why Choose Oopsbusted?
Why Choose Oopsbusted?
Why Choose Oopsbusted?
With the rise of online dating, it's harder to know if someone is still active on platforms like Tinder or Bumble. Our tool helps you find out
Advanced Facial Recognition
Superior facial recognition
Superior facial recognition
Superior facial recognition
Our AI matches uploaded photos with active dating profiles, delivering up to 80% accuracy

Advanced Search Capabilities
Ai-Powered tools scan multiple platforms for unmatched precision
Advanced search
Ai-Powered tools scan multiple platforms for unmatched precision

Complete Privacy
No signups or account linking required
No signups or account linking required
No signup

Dating Profiles Screenshots
Get Full Proof: Download their full Dating Profile

Online 3h ago
Jacky 23
Profiles are Al generated to serve as a sample of what users see without
compromising customer's privacy.

Online 3h ago
Jacky 23
Profiles are Al generated to serve as a sample of what users see without
compromising customer's privacy.

Online 3h ago
Jacky 23
Profiles are Al generated to serve as a sample of what users see without
compromising customer's privacy.
Why Do People Trust OopsBusted?
Why Do People Trust OopsBusted?
Why Do People Trust OopsBusted?
Real people. Real stories. Discover how Oopsbusted has helped tens of thousands of users find clarity in their personal life and relationships
Caught my partner red-handed
"I found the proof I needed. It was heartbreaking, but I’m thankful that this website helped me uncover the truth and take the necessary steps for my own peace of mind."
Maggy, California | Verified Buyer
No more doubts – i found the answers
"I was always wondering if my partner was still using dating apps. I decided to use just OopsBusted, and it turned out I was right. "
Diana, California | Verified Buyer
Saved me from wasting more time
"I had suspected my partner of cheating for a while but didn’t know how to confirm it. Using OopsBusted was a lifesaver. "
Olivia, New York | Verified Buyer
Hidden Affairs
"I’d been feeling uneasy for a while, but I didn’t want to jump to conclusions. I decided to try OopsBusted to see if my partner was secretly using dating apps, and I found the proof I needed.
Emma, Miami | Verified Buyer
Finally got the answers i was looking for
"I had been suspicious for months, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that I might be overthinking it. I turned to OopsBusted as a last resort, and I found the shocking truth ."
Charlotte, LA | Verified Buyer
Finally, peace of mind in my relationship
"I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right in my relationship, but I couldn’t prove it. After hearing about OopsBusted, I decided to use their service to check if my partner was on dating apps.
Amelia, New York | Verified Buyer
Uncovered the truth when i needed it most
"I never thought I’d have to check up on my partner, but after noticing some strange behavior, I started to suspect something was off."
Sophia, California | Verified Buyer
This website saved me from being lied to
"I had a feeling my partner was seeing other people, but I didn’t know how to confirm it. OopsBusted was a lifesaver. In a matter of minutes, I found clear evidence that my partner was using dating apps. "
Isabella, San Francisco | Verified Buyer
It wasn't just my imagination – he was cheating
"I started noticing red flags in my relationship, and I couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling that my partner was hiding something. I used OopsBusted to check if he was on any dating apps, and sure enough, I found him on multiple platforms. "
Ava, California | Verified Buyer
No more secrets – the truth came out
"I had doubts, but I didn’t want to believe my partner could be unfaithful. When I used OopsBusted and found out they were actively using dating apps, it was a shock. It wasn’t easy, but OopsBusted empowered me to confront the situation and end the relationship with confidence."
Scarlett, Boston | Verified Buyer
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Have questions? We've got answers.
Learn how OopsBusted works and how it helps you uncover the hidden truth without compromising your privacy.
What is OopsBusted?
How does OopsBusted work?
Is OopsBusted confidential?
What kind of information do I need to start a search?
How accurate are the search results?
What happens if no profiles are found?
How do I get my results?
Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied?
What else can OopsBusted be used for?
What is OopsBusted?
How does OopsBusted work?
Is OopsBusted confidential?
What kind of information do I need to start a search?
How accurate are the search results?
What happens if no profiles are found?
How do I get my results?
Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied?
What else can OopsBusted be used for?
What is OopsBusted?
How does OopsBusted work?
Is OopsBusted confidential?
What kind of information do I need to start a search?
How accurate are the search results?
What happens if no profiles are found?
How do I get my results?
Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied?
What else can OopsBusted be used for?